Friday, May 06, 2005

Getting My Geek On

I'll start by saying that for my b-day this year, my older brother purchased an XBox for me, and we pimped it out. We did everything but put spinners on it. We yanked the cover off and filled it with blue el-wire and blue LEDs. Then we slapped a retro virus looking skin on it. We also had to pimp out a couple of Mad Catz controllers. Filled 'em with lights, too. So anyway, until two days ago I had a total of 1 game. Tony Hawk 4. So I bought Simpsons Road Rage, Sonic Collection, The Suffering & The Cat in the Hat at a pawn shop. The Suffering is a dangerous game. Leave the lights on when you play this one. Demons and devils and bagpipe lookin' monsters jump from everywhere. The voices in the inemates' head are great. "Calm Down" "No, Fuck Him" But I have honestly become completly addicted to the Simspons and the Cat. Now the movie for the Cat was like a junior Gigli. Horrible. (Not as bad as Garfield though) But I have to admit, the game is cool. It's geared for kids, so it's colorful and loud and fun. But not so easy. It's getting harder and harder. (So what if I don't let the boys get a turn anymore?) If anyone's reading this, I'm dying to know how to get past the car in the garage level. We're stuck and going around in circles. Help would be appreciated. I'll make a trade. I'll give you Road Rage shortcuts in exchange. Now that game is fun. Especially after you unlock Otto & the schoolbus, or either of the snow plows. It's hard to get safe driving bonuses with them, but the Road Rage points go through the roof. So far, I've only earned like 4 million. I need 6 more. I figure if I keep up the pace I'm at now, I'll have it beat in a day or so, but I'll still be wondering in circles on the Cat. So that's what I've been doing for 2 days. Lord, please let the weather clear up so I get expose my vampiric skin and bloodshot eyes to some fresh air and real sun light!

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