Thursday, April 21, 2005

People and their big fat mouths on the Net

I was playing a game today that had a chat room with it so you could talk while you played. Well, someone started cussing people out for no reason, and someone else told them to watch it, cause there were kids online, too. Well, the discussion went on and on from there, and I mentioned my kids liked to play online a lot. My boys are almost 5, and I'd mentioned that in this chat room. Well, some idiot got all pissy with me. Saying crap like...."I certainly hope that you moniter what they're doing and looking at" and yadda yadda yadda.
I told her no, as a matter of fact, when they get online I just tell them not to spill their bottle of Jack on the keyboard and to not burn the mousepad with their cigarettes. Some people are completely insane.

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