Tuesday, January 29, 2008

eBay Shoots Itself in the Foot - Signs Its Own Death Warrant

From the latest changes in the [sarcasm]wonderful [/end sarcasm] world of eBay, to be taking effect soon:

This comes directly from an eBay email

Seller Update: Fees, Rewards & StandardseBay buyers want value and selection from sellers they can trust--and good sellers deserve rewards for delivering great customer service. That's why we're making a number of important changes that may affect you:
Reduced Listing Fees You asked, we listened. We're reducing Insertion Fees and adjusting Final Value Fees to lower your up-front cost to sell on eBay. You wanted free Gallery, now you've got it--plus more feature discounts.
Lower Insertion Fees
Making Gallery free
Lower fees for Gallery Plus, Picture Pack, and Feature Plus
Rewards for great sellersThere will be discounts and incentives for those who satisfy customers best. Who decides who gets rewarded? Customers do, by giving sellers high Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs).
More search exposure through Best Match
Fee discounts for PowerSellers
Increased protection for PowerSellers
Feedback ChangesSignificant changes coming soon will increase buyer confidence and showcase good sellers.
Buyers will only be able to receive positive Feedback.
Positive repeat customer Feedback will count and Feedback more than 12 months old won't.
Negative and neutral Feedback left by the buyer will be removed for transactions in which a buyer doesn't respond to the Unpaid Item (UPI) or if the member is suspended.

Check out that part that's bolded in bright red. Nice, huh? Way to encourage those sellers!
The new changes are going to kill the site. The rate changes aren't what's upsetting people, its the new no bad-feedback-for-buyers thing. LOOK AT THE EBAY MESSAGE BOARDS AND READ THE 800 THREADS GOING ABOUT HOW WRONG THIS IS!!!!! Ebay has always catered to buyers, and pretty soon that's all they're going to have because sellers will be leaving in DROVES over this. This new system will leave us sellers wide open to scammers and untrustworthy buyers. Buyers may be supposedly more fair about the ratings they leave, but it opens us up to NUMEROUS false claims. This new change is akin to signing the death warrant for an already faltering site! Don't they care about sellers? You know, those of us people that are the ones paying THEM all the money to list? They are so concerned about getting buyers to the site that they forget buyers don't pay eBay ONE RED CENT! I can tell you one group that will be thrilled about these changes - eBAY COMPETITORS!

eBay has always told us that Feedback is both trading partners voluntary opinion of a transaction. Well now, that means my opinion can only be positive? I don't think so!

Now, we can have buyers bid or BIN our listings and then send a nice ASQ that states "Leave me a glowing positive feedback within 24 hours or you'll get a big fat NEG" And what are we going to do about that if it happens? Nothing....eBay has taken that right away from us!
Not only is this supremely unfair to those of us who are trying to make a (substandard) living, but I'm fairly sure it is not entirely legal.

Please, any eBay sellers reading this: Add your voice to the rest of ours. There are currently multiple petitions on the eBay forums to stop these outrageous changes.

1 comment:

Krista said...

I hear ya. DH is an Ebay seller and this, frankly, is a crock of steaming fermenting monkey turds. Other than that, it's fine. >:-)